Sunday, August 14, 2011

Read Dangerously Read-a-thon - Final Report

Final Stats

Read: All I had time to read between working and sleeping was The Darkest Kiss (Lords of the Underworld #2) by Gena Showalter. I had already started it before the read-a-thon, so I finished it up once it started.  

Books read: The end of 1 book. Didn't get a chance to start another book before the read-a-thon ended.

Pages read: 103 pages

Total time reading: 3 hours 

Best/Worst Book read: I only read the end of 1 book for the whole read-a-thon. It was good. Since I don't have anything to compare with it, I can't give it a best/worst rating. I did like it, and I am continuing with the series.

Did I enjoy the read-a-thon?

I seem to have the worst luck with read-a-thons so far. I participated in three this summer. My first ones ever. I had a great time doing each one. I don't think I was able to finish a whole book in any of them though. I was always working during them. Sucks, but it had to be done.

The mini challenges also make a read-a-thon quite fun, in my opinion. They're a cool way to break up all that reading. (Although, I probably spend way more time on them than I need to. Hehe.)

I want to thank Ren @ All By MyShelf for hosting her first read-a-thon. I had a good time, and I would love to participate again in the future if she does it again.

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